
Reported Violence against Indigenous Kuria by Mine Police at Barrick Gold’s North Mara Gold Mine during 2023-2024

This year, MiningWatch gathered information on alleged violence against Kuria villagers in 2023 and 2024 carried out by police assigned to the mine. We received information on 28 cases and conducted interviews with alleged victims and family members of those who have been killed. The 28 cases include villagers who have been shot and killed, shot and survived, beaten to death, arrested and tortured, and maimed in a life-altering way through being hit by a teargas canister.


A Bad Deal for Canada: Mining giant Glencore’s Canadian expansion threatens climate and communities

Global commodity trading and mining giant Glencore, a notorious corporation with a long and steady record of irresponsible behaviour, was just approved to dramatically expand its presence in Canada by taking possession of four massive coal mines in British Columbia.

This report looks at some of the reasons there is a great deal to worry about. Among them are significant climate and environmental risks, and Glencore’s dismal track record on human rights, environmental protections, climate, and corruption.


Putting Voices at Risk: Brief to UN Special Rapporteur Mary Lawlor on Canada's support for mining over human rights

To accompany a meeting with UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Mary Lawlor, we provide six case studies spanning 17 years that demonstrate Canada's failures to respect human rights when it comes to mining. The first two case studies precede Canada’s adoption in 2016 of Voices at Risk: Canada’s Guidelines on Supporting Human Rights Defenders (Voices at Risk). Events outlined in the four subsequent case studies take place after the adoption of Voices at Risk.


Solaris Resources: Request to Investigate Failure to Disclose Material Information

The Shuar Arutam People (PSHA) filed a complaint against Solaris Resources Inc. (TSX: SLS) before the British Columbia Securities Commission over its failure to continuously disclose material information to shareholders regarding its Warintza mining project which overlaps PSHA’s titled territory. In spite of PSHA's explicit and continuous rejection of the Warintza project, Vancouver-based Solaris has kept moving forward with its mining plans in the Amazon, one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet.

Guest Publication

State of Deception

A fact-finding report on El Salvador’s detained water defenders, the potential return of environmentally destructive mining, and the state of human rights under the Bukele administration. Report Co-Authors: Alejandro Artiga-Purcell, Robin Broad, Pedro Cabezas, John Cavanagh, Bernie Hammond, Manuel Perez-Rocha, Angela Sanbrano, Heather White, Ross Wells, and Scott Wright.

Evicted for Gold Profits: Indigenous Kuria forced off land in expansion of Barrick Gold’s North Mara Gold Mine in Tanzania

MiningWatch Canada details gross violations of human rights at Barrick Gold's North Mara Gold Mine in Tanzania, as thousands of Indigenous Kuria were forcibly evicted from their lands to make room for the mine's expansion. This latest report was written based on field work conducted by Catherine Coumans in Tarime District, Tanzania, between October and November 2023.

Impacts of Mining Activities on Water: A technical and legislative guide to support collective action

In Quebec, the media often singles out the mining industry for being a repeat offender. This reputation stems from the bad practices of certain mine developers who have abandoned contaminated mine sites and left Quebec residents on the hook for billions of dollars for restoration, turned rivers red for dozens of kilometres, or have used lakes as dumping grounds for the tailings from iron ore processing plants.

Guest Publication

Review of the Environmental Impact Study for a New Facility for Co-Disposal of Tailings and Waste Rock at the Barrick Gold Pueblo Viejo Mine, Dominican Republic

Mine waste safety expert Dr. Steven Emerman released findings of his independent review of Barrick Gold’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Naranjo Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), warning that the Canadian mining giant is failing to adequately disclose the environmental and social risks posed by its planned expansion at the Pueblo Viejo mine in the Dominican Republic.

Lighting summary:


Going Upstream: The impact of industrial mining on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation

Brief prepared for the country visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, Pedro Arrojo-Agudo.

Since 1999, MiningWatch has provided technical expertise and advocacy support to hundreds of communities across the globe as they assert their rights to safe drinking water and sanitation in the face of imminent and past harm by industrial mining.


Stop ISDS: Report of the International Mission to Colombia

In May 2023, a delegation of 13 representatives from social and environmental justice organisations from eight countries in the Americas and Europe visited Colombia to share experiences of struggles against the global investment protection regime. The mission also went to learn firsthand about the peoples and ecosystems being threatened by corporate lawsuits, as well as the environmental, social and cultural harms that transnational investments have already caused, particularly in the departments of La Guajira and Santander.


Petition Against Canada for Violations of the Right to Life and Other Rights of Mariano Abarca

In June 2023, the Justice and Corporate Accountability Project (JCAP) submitted a complaint to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on behalf of the family of Mariano Abarca. Mr. Abarca was a beloved community leader and human rights defender who was murdered with impunity on November 27, 2009, in Chiapas, Mexico. Mr. Abarca was killed for defending community rights in relation to the “Payback” mining project, owned by Canadian company Blackfire Exploration Ltd. (“Blackfire”). The complaint makes the case for Canada’s legal accountability for human rights abuse linked to its extractive industry overseas. 


Submission to the Environmental Registry of Ontario re: Bill G71, the Building More Mines Act, 2023

This submission on Ontario Bill 71, the proposed Building More Mines Act, observes that the government has brought forward a proposal that has not been broadly consulted and discussed, if it has been discussed at all other than with the mining industry. As a result, the proposed amendments to the Mining Act are unlikely to meet their stated purposes.


Canada’s Systematic Failure to Fulfill its International Obligations to Human and Environmental Rights Defenders Abroad

Corporate accountability experts sent a 30-page submission to the UN Human Rights Council ahead of its April 2023 Universal Periodic Review of Canada, denouncing Canada for its continued diplomatic support of mining companies over the safety of human rights and environment defenders (HRDs).