Eldorado Gold’s Unspoken Legal Problems in Greece

In the numerous press releases and reports that it published over the past year, Eldorado Gold Corp claims that its Skouries and Olympias projects in northern Greece are progressing smoothly. However, having failed to overcome the opposition of the local community, the company is now also facing a...

Mine your electric car?

Our new blog about the positive and less positive impacts associated with the expansion of the electric car (in French only for now).


Dozens of Labrador Mineworkers Show Signs of Lung Disease: Report

This is shocking and sad news for those workers. What will the authorities do about this? We are trying to get our hands on this report.



Posted May 24, 2017...

Background: Indigenous Ipili Women Speak Out at Barrick AGM 2017

Barrick’s directors and shareholders heard first-hand about excess use of force by private and public mine security guarding the Porgera Joint Venture mine in Papua New Guinea when indigenous Ipili men travelled to Canada to speak out at Barrick’s AGM. In 2008, 2009, and 2010 Ipili men stood up in...

Statements and Questions from Everlyn Guape and Joycelyn Mandi at Barrick Gold’s 2017 Annual Meeting

Statement and Questions by Everlyn Guape, Porgera, Papua New Guinea

My name is Everlyn Gaupe. I am speaking on a proxy from Rachel Small.

Directors and shareholders, I live in the shadow of Barrick’s Porgera Joint Venture mine in Papua New Guinea.

This mine dumps all of its tailings and...

In Mining-Affected Communities, Water Is Becoming More Precious Than Gold

Latin America is slowly winning the fight against the corporate assault of transnational Canadian mining companies

El Salvador made history in March, 2017, when it became the first country to ban metal mining outright.

#WeAreUofT E.19 - #WeBelieveSurvivors of Barrick Gold ft. Porgera Women's Rights Watch & MiningWatch Canada

After years of denying cases of sexual assault, Canadian mining company Barrick Gold compensated 119 women and girls who were victims of sexual violence by mine security to the tune of ~$10,000 each for these abuses, but had them sign an agreement that they could never sue the company. Eleven of...

Indigenous Women Speak Out About Mining's Impacts on Women – Ottawa Event

Public event

When: 6 p.m., Thursday, April 27, 2017

Where: University of Ottawa, Desmarais Building DMS 1110, 55 Laurier Ave East, Ottawa, Ontario


  • Jocelyn Wabano Iahtail, Ininew Eeyou Eskwayow from Attawapiskat First Nation, an Holistic Violence Survivor, MMIW advocate and...

MiningWatch Annual Seminar – April 27, 2017

This year we have two topics, with special guests to present and discuss them with us. All are invited.

1. Challenging Barrick Gold on Human Rights Abuses and Environmental Destruction - with Indigenous Ipili women Everlyn Gaupe and Joycelyn Mandi

2. Making Next-Generation Environmental...

Berta Cáceres Petition Presentation – Ottawa

People around the world marked the one-year anniversary of the assassination of environmental leader Berta Cáceres. In Ottawa, Canada, a group presented a petition to the Honduran embassy, and had a message for the Canadian government.

Fisheries Act Charges Over Canada's Biggest Mining Spill 'Stayed' in Court; Pressure Mounts for Crown to Lay Its Own Charges

Thank you for your support! We will keep up the pressure on the Feds and Province to actually enforce the law. Sign the petition now!

Quick Update:

• The Federal Crown did proceed to stay (i.e. shelve) MiningWatch’s charges before we had a chance to present evidence of the damages from the...

Experts Call for Next-Generation Environmental Assessment Law

Environmental law experts were in Ottawa today calling for a next-generation law to assess the sustainability of proposed pipelines, hydroelectric projects and industrial facilities. An independent panel appointed by the federal government is reporting to Catherine McKenna, the Minister of...

Ecuadorian Organizations Decry Promotion of Ecuador as 'Mining Country' during Mining Convention in Toronto

On Monday, together with the Mining Injustice Solidarity Network, we helped deliver the below statement during 'Ecuador Day' at the 2017 Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada's annual convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Written and signed by over twenty Ecuadorian...

Latin American Organizations Denounce the Deadly Impacts of Mining During PDAC 2017

This week, while an anticipated 20,000+ people wine and dine, discussing multi-million dollar deals and dreams during the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada mining convention (PDAC 2017) at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre, affected communities continue to pay a high price with...

The World Demands Justice for the Murder of Berta Cáceres

On March 2, 2016, Indigenous leader Berta Cáceres, an organizer with the Lenca people’s resistance in Honduras, was murdered despite security measures that she had been granted given constant threats against her.

Today, in Ottawa, in response to the call from Berta’s family and her organization...

In El Salvador, OceanaGold Must ‘Pay Up and Pack Up’

After seven years, four murders and US$24 million in total legal costs, in October 2016, a little-known World Bank tribunal trashed OceanaGold’s claim that El Salvador either owed it a mining permit for a proposed gold mine or US$250 million dollars.

The Washington D.C.-based International...